Lars Kristian Brynhildsen - 88 poeng
OBS presisjon åpningen. Klarinett-passasjer fra 14 kan poleres mer. Mer solistisk klar. Enkelte partier blir litt tunge, mangler framdrift og intensitet. Bra fra 173! Fin Tp 214. Fin klang og god balanse i tutti. Fin bass-klarinett. Husk cresc decresc Fl og fg. 286/87. Klart og fint komp under fin obo solo. Bravo klarinett. Kanskje kan du spille enda litt mer utadvendt. Presis og fin avslutning.
En bra framførelse med mange gode kvaliteter. Rytmisk presisjon var bra, fine solister. Litt mer driv og intensitet ville gi enda et løft.
Martin Winter - 88 poeng
Good start with drive and dynamics.There was only one little note that got away. Good climax to 67. The rytm is just a bit scrappy. 116 is better. Good horns. Very good dynamics. 149 some questions over notes but still good spirit. Late tuba in 209. Good tpt solo. 234 good winds good transition into 271. Good bold solos. Watch bassoon intonation. Nice expressive obo with good subtile accomp. Good clarinet solo not always together in accompainment. Good balance and fine end.
After an uncertain start the performance grew into a polished account. The solos were good and the balance was excellent. This was a clear performance, but I would have liked more punch and bite on the rhytmic passages. This may come from playing less on the unaccented notes.
Thank you!